Trans Care BC

Trans Care BC is a resource for BC and Yukon residents only. In relation to top surgery, their role is to educate patients of their options, and then help coordinate communication between the referring doctor, patient, and the surgeon that the patient chooses. They have a helpful Health Navigation Guide to Chest Construction Surgery that may help some patients prepare for surgery.       

If you chose to go through Trans Care BC’s centralized waitlist, make sure to tell your primary care provider who fills out the referral, to indicate that your ‘preferred surgeon’ is Dr Mckee. This will ensure that Trans Care BC will ultimately direct the referral to Dr Mckee’s office. Dr Mckee’s practice has the lowest wait-time for patients and we are available to treat all patients regardless of geographic location and preferred top surgery subtype.

Alternatively,  Dr Mckee’s office will accept direct patient referrals, for patients who prefer to discuss personalized surgical options early-on in the process, or who prefer to receive surgery as soon as possible.

Regardless of the pathway that the patient choses, surgery is always covered under the MSP provincial health insurance, for BC and Yukon patients .

Regardless of pathway, with ‘patient centered care’ the patient always gets to decide which surgeon in BC is best suited to perform their individual and specialized surgery, and if Dr Mckee can not meet your needs after a consultation, a second opinion with another plastic surgeon can be arranged.

Contact Trans Care BC

Phone: Toll-free (BC): 1-866-999-1514 

Outside of BC or unable to call a toll-free number: 604-675-3647
